Sunday, 4 May 2008

World Vision Taiwan hopes to make prayers heard

163 children came to Taiwan to perform in a prayer concert organized by World Vision
Taiwan today. The children — from Mongolia, the Philippines, Swaziland, Romania,
El Salvador, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Ecuador and Taiwan
— are recipients of World Vision Taiwan’s humanitarian aid programs.Some of the
prayers will be accompanied by music and sung by the children at the concert.

The post is from :

Every time I saw the news about World Vision, I will pay much attention. It’s really

a well organization that dedicated to help children in whole world. My classmates in

senior high school and I have sponsored a child in Ecuador. We just need to pay 700

hundred a month to help him, but for him that it’s a really great support. We had

written a letter to him and he had written back to us with his photo. He is so cute. I feel

so touched.

I feel that this activity is positive and meaningful. I believe that our sponsorship not

only offer children support but also offer them the food for mind. The theme is “Pray

for Chang”. I think every child has their own heartfelt wishes. In their prayer, I saw

that there are many children suffer in pain and live in bad status. The sponsor and

kindhearted behavior will bring them support and huge hope about future.

In nowadays society, some guy would use people’s kindness to cheat them of

money or even body. That makes some people have fears to help people. I hope

these events will reduce that will make our society more positive.

I trust that world vision is a great group to help children. I wholehearted support

activity. Because there are so many children on the earth cannot go school, eat

food, and even wear a cloth. You can help someone else until you have ability.

That will be better and will not become another burden. We have such great bliss

to own so many things, so we should not be close to someone really need help.

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